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Arming a Bomb

Assignment: Using the provided gameplay scenario (a character arming a bomb), write the character telling a joke. The goal is to craft effectively paced dialogue that compliments gameplay. There are 10x steps to arming the bomb and the joke must be paced throughout the arming steps.

Scenario: A commando team is about to launch a last-ditch offensive against the enemy who is extremely close.  The CHARACTER needs to arm a bomb that will detonate at a key moment.  Arming the bomb is an incredibly delicate process – one wrong step, one second of lost focus and the explosive will go off, killing the team and ending the mission.

Character tells a joke while working.


Scene: Arming the Bomb

IGGY stands at the edge of the bomb site, surveying the landscape.

GAMEPLAY: PLAYER must place three separate receivers in specific points around the bomb site. PLAYER must hit “X” to secure the receiver.

IGGY walks to first receiver location.

IGGY:Of course, they entrust me with the extremely difficult task of arming the bomb, the guy who sits behind a computer all day…

GAMEPLAY: PLAYER hits “X” to secure the 1st receiver.

IGGY: Sitting behind a computer and doing the vastly underrated but, arguably, the most important job here, intercepting enemy communications, translating the enemy language, and relaying this intelligence to the GENERAL himself…

GAMEPLAY: PLAYER hits “X” to secure the 2nd receiver.

IGGY:But no, it’s all, “Iggy, we need you to arm the bomb…even though you’ve never done it before...”

GAMEPLAY: PLAYER hits “X” to secure the 3rd receiver.

IGGY: Yeah, like those virtual simulations really prepared me for this. This isn’t a video game!

IGGY walks towards the transmitter to complete the arming steps.

IGGY:But so far, so good. Haven’t blown myself up yet. Knock on wood.

IGGY knocks on his helmet.

IGGY:Now, to configure the transmitter.

IGGY consults and reads aloud from the instructions.

IGGY:“Connect the red wire to the red port.”

IGGY holds out the wires in his hand – they all look the same shade of green.

IGGY:Oh shit. I guess I should have mentioned to them that I’m colour blind.

An uncomfortable moment of silence passes while IGGY considers what to do. He looks around the empty bomb site.

IGGY:Can I…call a friend or something?

IGGY examines the wires more closely – they all have numbers etched into the coloured casing.

IGGY:Oh thank God! I was really…down to the wire on that one.

IGGY chuckles to himself.

GAMEPLAY: PLAYER connects the numbered wires to their corresponding ports.

IGGY whistles an upbeat tune (the tune of Video Killed the Radio Star).

GAMEPLAY: PLAYER uses the arrow keys to dial the radius.

IGGY:Video killed the radius-star, video killed the radius-star…

GAMEPLAY: PLAYER adjusts the settings by using the arrow keys and hitting “X” at the appropriate measurements.

IGGY:(Still singing to the tune) We can’t rewind we’ve gone too far…

GAMEPLAY: PLAYER hits “Y” to select the frequency.

IGGY:And now, a drumroll please…

GAMEPLAY: PLAYER hits “X” to set the timer.

IGGY:Get ready to be…blown away!

GAMEPLAY: PLAYER hits “Y” to begin the countdown.

IGGY marvels at his successful bomb-arming for a moment, then he looks at his watch, turns, and runs to cover.  

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